There are seven essential lifestyle aspects that we will examine during coaching sessions. The key to success is making lifelong changes with the least stress possible!

Whole Food

Vegetables and fruits (organic when possible), non-GMO, humanely-raised meats, soaked gluten-free grains and seeds


So many people are confused about what adequate sleep really is. Cleaning up sleep habits can make all the difference in the world in someone’s health.

Stress Perception

It’s very difficult to reduce or manage stress. That idea can actually create more stress for clients/patients! Changing how stress is perceived is key.

Safe Movement

Exercise is a stressor to the physical body. Safe movement is moving within the means of what our body can handle for where we are – physically and mentally – at that time.


Adults need fun too! Engaging in activities that don’t involve electronics or disconnect people but actually bring people together is an important key to health.

Addressing Past Traumas

We all have unresolved emotional baggage. When we aren’t getting well or feeling our best through basic changes, it may be time to explore this aspect of your life.


No matter what a person believes, knowing there is someone or something greater than ourselves can greatly benefit our health.